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Book Publishing Industry

How Many Books Are In The World? (2025)

Book Publishing Industry By October 20, 2023 Tags: ,

Living in the Information Age, we are accustomed to having answers to every question we could possibly have right at our fingertips. However, there are still questions that don’t have definitive answers and these are the ones that tend to drive us a bit crazy. For avid readers like us, one of these haunting questions is a simple one: how many books are in the world?

It’s a deceptively simple question. Sure, you could browse our ISBN database, which boasts a list of over 43 million unique ISBNs, which are used to classify books—but that would not be the correct answer.

Major Book Industry News for September 2023

Book Publishing Industry By October 17, 2023 Tags: , , ,

In this article, we’ve prepared an overview of what was happening in the book industry in September—from Booker Prize and National Book Award shortlists to financial and legal news—as well as who won the Nobel Prize in literature.

Also, don’t forget to explore our news summary from August 2023.

5 Innovations That Shaped the Book Publishing Industry

Book Publishing Industry By August 15, 2023 Tags: ,

book publishing industry

The book publishing industry is one of the most prominent facilitators of human communication. It’s responsible for sharing important information and the stories you’ve grown to love.

Today, the book publishing market is a multi-billion dollar industry, capable of sharing the written or spoken word across the globe—but this hasn’t always been the case. Over the course of centuries, the publishing industry has undergone a number of pivotal events and innovations that have redefined the way that we consume information in all of its forms.

These are the five innovations that shaped the book publishing industry into what it is today, changing the way we read and learn.

How to Avoid Counterfeit Books

Book Publishing Industry By July 26, 2023 Tags: , ,

How to Avoid Counterfeit Books

Everyone, who has worked in the book industry for a significant period of time, is aware of the counterfeit books problem. So when you source books not directly from a publisher, e.g., buy used books from the general public, organizations, or even Amazon, you need to check if the books you purchase are genuine.

It is important to distinguish between counterfeit books and international or Eastern Economy editions, which are produced legally. Counterfeit books are produced illegally and are often sold by third-party sellers on various marketplaces, including the biggest ones. Like all pirated copies of copyrighted works, they are against the law.

Book Identification in Pre-ISBN Era

Book Publishing Industry By May 22, 2023 Tags: , , ,

Book Identification in Pre-ISBN Era

We are used to searching by ISBN as the easiest way to find book data. However, ISBN is a relatively new book identification method, widely adopted in the 1970s.

When Johannes Gutenberg produced the first printed book in the fifteenth century, he probably wasn’t too concerned about book identification – his printed books never carried even his name or publishing date. That wasn’t a big deal because the book industry was in its infancy, and few books were published back in the day.